I say it all the time. No one wants an ugly printable! When it comes to selling printables on Etsy, customers are expecting a beautifully-designed product in exchange for their money. On Etsy there are a sea of other shops selling the exact same product as you, so how can you make your ... READ the POST
16 Effective Tips for Making Daily Sales on Etsy
So you’re trying to figure out how to make daily sales on Etsy? I know how frustrating it is to work on your Etsy shop 24/7 but not see the results you want. Etsy is a huge marketplace with lots of competition but you definitely can make yourself stand out and wake up to passive income every ... READ the POST
How to Pick An Etsy Shop Name (Quick & Easy!)
Picking your Etsy shop name may feel overwhelming but it doesn't have to be! Don’t stress too much over your shop name because Etsy allows you to change your shop name up to 3 times (I think!). It may even be more because I’m pretty sure I changed the name of one of my shops like 5 times and they ... READ the POST
How to Choose Your Etsy Niche (80+ Digital Product Ideas!)
So you want to start selling digital products on Etsy but aren’t sure exactly what you want to sell, huh? Picking a niche is one of the first major decisions you’ll make for your Etsy shop and it’s definitely an important one! You’ll want to pick one niche for your shop so customers know ... READ the POST
Epic Guide to Selling Printables on Etsy – Make Passive Income!
Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing you've already made $100 in sales for the day. It's a great feeling making money in your sleep so read this epic guide on how to sell printables on Etsy. Keep reading to learn what I did to sell 27k worth of printables on Etsy and how to successfully ... READ the POST